Monthly Archives: June 2012

sweet corn

Indiana sweet corn isn’t ready just yet, but we will be ready when it is…

Sometimes, we experiment with free-style corn eating…




dashing daddy and dude

We had a great time celebrating Father’s Day yesterday! Elliot and Dadda sported matching bow ties. If I may say so, they looked quite debonaire.



In mid-May we had the privilege of participating in the Zionsville Brick Street Market, a handmade craft and food fair. It was a fun, though a LOT of work getting ready for it. Jason made wooden rattles and spinning tops on the lathe while I sewed wallets, checkbook covers, coffee cozies and key fobs. Thankfully, it was a joint effort along with Stephanie and Marlene (Jason’s sister and mom, respectively). There was some neat stuff! The girls ruffled skirts were the top sellers of the day (good job, Marlene!).

Here are some shots of our booth:

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Since the market, I have opened my own Etsy shop, Prudent Panache. Weird name, I know. Here is the origin:

Prudent means sensible, wise, judicious in practical matters

Panache [pronounced puh-nash or puh-nahsh] means style, flair or an ornament

So, the combination is a practical item with style! Just my cup of tea. Well, lately it has been coffee. Lots of coffee.

The shop is open and more items will be listed soon. I am even experimenting with some business card and sunglasses case prototypes…

Check it out (and tell others about it)!


the reverend and a toddler

There have been some important changes for this little family lately and I have been remissĀ  in my reporting. So, here is a summary…

On April 29th, Jason earned the official title “reverend.” While he would probably die if you called him reverend, it is definitely an important and exciting milestone. The church formed an ordination council, which drilled Jason with theological questions for several hours. They voted to affirm Jason’s calling to ministry and proceeded to ordain him! Hooray! Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures because my misbehaving camera ate them. No need to be concerned because others took pictures. I just need to acquire them. Jason is now one step closer to becoming an Army Reserve Chaplain.

As of tomorrow, Mr E will be 15 months old! While he is only walking a few steps at a time (current record is eight consecutive controlled steps), he is using most of his new independence to climb. Yes, climb. He has discovered the joys of height and takes whatever opportunities he can find to raise his elevation. One of his favorite new tricks is climbing onto his rocking moose – last week I even found him standing on it… rocking… and smiling. Ah!


-Commuting to work with a cup of Joe (don’t worry, it was empty)-

-Reading the favorites… Everything Conceivable (about assisted reproduction), Birth Marks (about adoption), and The Name Book (full of baby names, of course). NO, THIS IS NOT AN ANNOUNCEMENT! Just wanted to share a funny moment we had. This was not staged, he just loves to pull these books off the shelf. Do you think he is trying to tell us something?-
